Film - Reviews, Features and More

Race, Class and Motherhood Collide in Trailer for ‘Miss Juneteenth’

A trip to the cinema might still be an unnecessary health risk, but that doesn’t mean we have to suffer for a lack of quality film releases. Just last week it was announced that director Channing Godfrey Peoples’ debut feature film, Miss Juneteenth, has been picked up by Vertigo for distribution in the UK and Ireland. The drama, which Peoples wrote as well as directed, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January and is set to be released on 18 September.

Review: The Princess Switch | Film

As my fellow Redbrick Film critics will know, I have come up with a new drinking game. It’s very simple. You get some alcohol, grab some friends, and then you all sit down together and watch The Princess Switch. Every time someone either says, or does, something so ridiculously clichéd you have to wonder if the screenwriter is a robot – because scientists are trying to see if a computer can pen a romcom – you take a shot. See? Easy. Terrible for your

health, but very easy.

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